
More details on the data sources and methodologies used in this project may be found in the following report.


The source code for data aggregations and indicators extraction can be found at the following repository:



  1. Handbook on the use of mobile phone data for official statistics. Report prepared by the Mobile Phone Task Team of the United Nations Global Working Group on Big Data. New York, 2017.
  2. Brdar, S., Novović, O., Grujić, N., González–Vélez, H., Truică, C.O., Benkner, S., Bajrovic, E. and Papadopoulos, A., 2019. Big data processing, analysis and applications in mobile cellular networks. In High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (pp. 163-185). Springer, Cham.
  3. Novović, O., Brdar, S., Mesaroš, M., Crnojević, V. and N Papadopoulos, A., 2020. Uncovering the relationship between human connectivity dynamics and land use. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(3), p.140.
  4. Grujić, N., Novović, O., Brdar, S., Crnojević, V. and Govedarica, M., 2019, March. Mobile Phone Data visualization using Python QGIS API. In 2019 18th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
  5. Novović, O., Brdar, S. and Crnojević, V., 2017, April. Evolving connectivity graphs in mobile phone data. In NetMob, The main conference on the scientific analysis of mobile phone datasets (pp. 73-75).
  6. Iqbal, M.S., Choudhury, C.F., Wang, P. and González, M.C., 2014. Development of origin–destination matrices using mobile phone call data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 40, pp.63-74.
  7. Horanont, T., Phiboonbanakit, T. and Phithakkitnukoon, S., 2018. Resembling population density distribution with massive mobile phone data. Data Science Journal, 17.
  8. Lai, S., zu Erbach-Schoenberg, E., Pezzulo, C., Ruktanonchai, N.W., Sorichetta, A., Steele, J., Li, T., Dooley, C.A. and Tatem, A.J., 2019. Exploring the use of mobile phone data for national migration statistics. Palgrave communications, 5(1), pp.1-10.


Ongoing work:

  1. Grujić, N., Brdar, S., Novović, O., Obrenović, N., Govedarica, M. and Crnojević, V., 2021, April. Biclustering for uncovering spatial-temporal patterns in telecom data. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (pp. EGU21-14423).